

八戒影院第一时间收录《变种特工》并提供免费在线观看。《变种特工》上映于 2003年,是一部美国制片出品,由Christopher Gorham,Philip Anthony-Rodriguez,Judith Scott,Keegan Connor Tracy等主演的欧美剧,对白语言为英语。

  Jake Foley is a computer technician for the NSA who secretly longs for a chance to work on the field. Circumstance puts him in a top secret laboratory, in the middle of a shootout between security guards and a saboteur. During the battle, a vial containing an experimental serum explodes, covering Jake with shrapnel. But it turns out that the serum is actually nanomites, microscopic submachines that heal his injuries and alter his body. Upon discovering his new mind-boggling powers, Jake begins to operate at an atomic level, possessing superhuman strength, lightning-fast speed, heightened hearing, magnified vision and the ability to communicate telepathically with computers. The NSA soon realizes Jake is an untested asset and forms a Special Ops team with him at its core. As Jake finally realizes his dream of being of being a field operative, he must also contend with the return of would-be girlfriend Sarah Heywood, who is involved in a Congressional investigation which threatens to expose his operation.


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奥利维亚·斯万 托德·拉桑斯 肖恩·萨加尔 Tuuli Narkle Mavournee Hazel 威廉·麦克因斯


玛娅·鲁道夫 亚当·斯科特 MJ·罗德里格斯 罗恩·芬奇斯 奈特·法松 乔尔·金·布斯特 斯蒂芬妮·斯泰尔斯 米根·费伊 安妮·斯泰德曼 奇普·齐纳里 吉安·弗朗哥·托尔迪 奥利维埃·马丁内斯 维克托·沃尔夫 洁基伯明翰 Albert Malafronte Elizabeth Thieme Elizabeth Thieme Cheryl Francis Harrington Michael Vargas Ana Rey Kimberly Wallis Jamila Allen Alex Elin Goyc


桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉 詹妮佛·芬尼甘 查理·罗 杰奎琳·拜尔斯 伊恩·安东尼·代尔 萨沙·罗伊茨 艾丽卡·鲁特雷尔 泰勒·科尔 阿伦·道格拉斯 巴克莱·霍普 神奈川宏幸 汤姆·巴特勒 托芙·菲尔德舒 丹尼斯·布特斯卡里斯 伊丽莎白·泰 特雷弗·琼斯 Tom MacNeill
